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Enrollment Form

Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form

  • Enrollment
  • Terms & Conditions
  • More Details
Course Type

Course Selection
How would you like to do this training?
Your Details
Is this training course to be invoiced to your company, organisation or business?
Company Details
Is there a separate billing address?
Terms and Conditions
1. Confirmation: To confirm your attendance, complete this form and submit at the bottom. We will email you with confirmation shortly afterwards.

2. Cancellations Policy: Please advise us if you are unable to attend this Course. A full refund will only be issued if written notification is received two weeks before course commencement. Cancellation after this date will result in forfeit of the deposit and refund of the remaining payment. In the event that the course is cancelled by us, a full refund, including deposit, will be issued.

3. Photography and filming consent for adults over 18 years of age: By registering to this event you agree that we, may take photographs and film footage of you at the above training course, and may use the photographs and/or film footage for the Institute’s promotional and/or commercial purposes, including for use on the Institute’s website. You agree that filmed material may be reproduced for those purposes, as film, audio or written quotation. We, will communicate to you the photos &/or videos that We, intends to use prior to us, using them for promotional and/or commercial purposes. The photographs and footage will be used by Orbit, only and will not be released to any external parties. You accept the risk, that photographs and/or film footage of you may be lifted off the Institute’s website, or taken from an Institute brochure or other publication, and reproduced on Facebook or other web sites or elsewhere, or otherwise communicated or made available to the public or sections of the public.

4. You understand that this course is a CASA approved course and will require some self-paced study after hours. We, will make every effort to get you to the standard that is required, but makes no guarantee that you will pass the course and obtain your Remote Pilots License unless you meet the standard set by CASA (the regulator).

5. This course is designed to meet and exceed the standards required for your license to be issued in the less than 25kg category for both the restricted and unrestricted endorsements. You will not be progressed to the larger platform until you have shown competency on the smaller platforms and have attained the minimum required skills on the smaller platform.

Course Invoice
Unless otherwise specified or agreed prior, you will be invoiced for the full price of the training course requested. If you wish to pay the deposit only, you will be invoiced for 30% of the total training amount, with the remainder due a minimum of 3 business days before course commencement.
I wish to pay
Getting to know you
In order for us to be able to assist you and give you the best possible experience during the RPAS Training, we have a few simple (and optional) questions about why you want to do the RPAS Training.

© Orbit Innovation Group Pty Ltd.
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